Brand Name: DUTRIEUX
Style: Modern Style
About this item
- FULL 304 STAINLESS STEEL STURDY DISH RACK: Made of high-quality stainless steel and passed a 24-hour salt test-this dish drainer is Strong, Corrosion Resistant and Rust Resistant which made to last. Heavy-duty metal shelf can hold up to 180lbs, stable and not leaning forward. Anti-slip suction cup at the bottom for reinforcement stability.
- UPGRADED VERSION ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT: Unique design of snap-on structure, so you can remove and adjust the height of the top rack/bottom rack at any time, suitable for most sizes of faucets and wall cabinets. You can adjust it to the most comfortable height for you to use, while preventing kids and pets from touching your tableware. A great gift choice for friends or family, such as housewarming, Thanksgiving, Christmas and holiday gifts.
- 3 LAYERS EXPANDABLE DESIGN: The size of this over sink dish drying rack is 25.5 – 35.5(L)*11.9(W)*31.5(H) inches, freely modify the length of dish rack(25.5″-35.5″)to suit for most different sinks. Please carefully measure 3 numerical values before buying: the width of the sink should be≤ 34in , the height of the faucet should be ≤ 17in, the height between the cabinet bottom to the countertop ≥43in
- SPACE SAVING & LARGE CAPACITY: This dish drying rack makes perfect use of the space above the sink and frees up your counter space, especially for small kitchens/apartments. The dish drainers for kitchen counter can store various sizes of utensils, including 2 main rack, 1 cutlery holder, 1 knife holder, 1 detergent holder, 1 cutting board rack, 1 cup holder and 10 practical hooks. (All accessories are made of 304 stainless steel without worrying about transportation damage)
- EASY TO CLEAN AND ASSEMBLE: All these parts are easy to remove and adjust, convenient for daily cleaning. The counter top will not get wet as water drip directly into the sink, making your kitchen more tidy and clean. This over the sink dish rack is equipped with a hex key and a wrench, no extra tools needed, easy to install. It only takes 10 minutes to follow the instructions. Add to your cart now, then you will have a perfect dish drainer for your kitchen!
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Multifuctional Above Sink Dish Drying Rack for Kitchen Counter

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